Year of 2021 is a special year for ASEAN-China relationship. This year, we commemorate 30 years of relationship which was started in 1991. Since then, it has come into series of milestones, including China joint Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) in 2003, ASEAN-China Free Trade Area in 2010, and ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership Vision 2030 in 2018.During the unprecedented time of Covid-19 Outbreak in 2020, ASEAN-China have been worked closely from personal protective equipment supply, contact-tracing capacity, until today’s cooperation on Covid-19 Vaccine.
Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) had conducted the first ASEAN-China Survey 2020. In the time of pandemic, the survey pulled out 1000 respondents from 10 ASEAN Countries and from 5 groups of community (Academics, Students, Business Community, Civil-Society, and Government Officials). The survey resulted a clear view of ASEAN people sentiment on its relationship in particular in the time of pandemic. The survey has also become the reference report of study for policy makers, academics, and wider public audience.
In the backdrop of 30 years ASEAN- China relationship, FPCI sees the importance to continue the study of the relationship through the ASEAN –China Survey 2021.
Assessing and updating ASEAN people perspective on the relationship in all areas; political-security, geopolitical dynamic, trade, economy, connectivity, social-culture, and Covid-19 cooperation.
Identifying key challenges, trends, and opportunities/prospects of cooperation in the post 1 year of pandemic and ahead.
Dr. Dino Patti Djalal
Program Director
Dr. Shofwan Albanna Choiruzzad
Program Supervisor
Calvin Khoe
Program Coordinator
Research Team
Report Compiled and Written by
Dr. Shofwan Albanna Choiruzzad
Program Supervisor
Calvin Khoe
Research Associate
Esther N.S. Tamara
Research Associate
Steffani Alivia Sugiri
Research Associate
Salsabila Siliwangi Surtiwa
Research Assistant
Alberto Iskandar
Research Assistant
Rana Tria Airlani
Research Assistant
Ayu Suci Rakhima
Research Assistant
Axtell Giuseppe
Research Assistant
Natasya Dewi Shafira Luthfina
Research Assistant
Kiara Putri Mulia
Research Assistant
Adelie Lallement
Research Assistant
Aaron Peter Rodrigo
Research Assistant
Alandra Siregar
Program Assistant
Khairani Raisha Hegi
Program Assistant
Valerie Prasetya
Program Assistant
Institutional Partnership
Nur Afni Damanik
Institutional Partnership Co-Coordinator
Steffani Alivia Sugiri
Institutional Partnership Co-Coordinator
Website Development
Wahyu Rizky Rahmadansyah
Website Development Coordinator
Nur Afni Damanik
Website Development Co-Coordinator
Shamira Tridarysa Fathia
Website Development Assistant
Kezia Jasmine Siwy
Website Development Assistant
Leonard Patrick Bromokusumo
Website Development Assistant
Graphic Design
Wahyu Rizky Rahmadansyah
Lead Designer
Nabila Yasmin Aulia
Graphic Designer
Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) is a non-partisan, non-politic and independent foreign policy organization established to discuss and introduce international relations issues to many relevant actors in Indonesia such as diplomats, ambassadors, government officials, academia, researchers, businesses, media, lecturers, think tanks, students and media. FPCI is also dedicated to study the most-pressing foreign policy issues in relates to ASEAN, geopolitics, middle powers, geo-economics and diaspora.
Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) was formed with the aim of developing Indonesian internationalism, making it more entrenched throughout the archipelago, and projecting itself to the rest of the world. FPCI is determined to form a large international relations community with mature and sensitive insights on bilateral, regional and global issues. FPCI aims to be a facilitator that can bring the “world” to the region and simultaneously bring grassroots and regional thoughts to the national and world stage.
Sekretariat FPCI
Mayapada Tower 1, 19th Floor, Unit 02
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 28
South Jakarta 12920